James P. Lenfestey
After a career in academia, advertising and journalism as an editorial writer at the Minneapolis StarTribune, where he won several Page One awards for excellence, Lenfestey has published poetry, reviews and articles, plus a book of essays, THE URBAN COYOTE: HOWLINGS ON FAMILY, COMMUNITY AND THE SEARCH FOR PEACE AND QUIET (Nodin Press, Minneapolis, 2000). He has published four poetry collections: SAYING GRACE (Marsh River Editions) AFFECTION FOR SPIDERS (Red Dragonfly Press), THE TOOTHED AND CLEVER WORLD (Tree House Press, Ojai, CA), and HAN-SHAN IS THE CURE FOR WARTS (Red Dragonfly Press). A CARTLOAD OF SCROLLS: 100 POEMS IN THE MANNER OF T'ANG DYNASTY POET HAN-SHAN, will be released by Holy Cow! Press in mid-October, 2007. Lenfestey is cofounder of the Ojai Poetry Festival in Ojai, CA, chairs the Literary Witnesses poetry program in Minneapolis, and is founder of the Mackinac Island Poetry Festival. He lives in Minneapolis with his wife, the political writer Susan Lenfestey. They have four children and four grandchildren. His website is www.coyotepoet.com.

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